Music in Suydam Park
Why not pick up a snack or refreshment...
On Saturday September 9th and 16th, from 12:30 to 2:30pm, the Forest Hill Village BIA is pleased to host live acoustic jazz performances by Toronto's 'The Red Rhythm'.
Why not pick up a snack or refreshment...
On Saturday September 9th and 16th, from 12:30 to 2:30pm, the Forest Hill Village BIA is pleased to host live acoustic jazz performances by Toronto's 'The Red Rhythm'.
Digital Main Street Forum: Embracing Bricks and Clicks
The 2017 Canada Summer Jobs (CSJ) application period for employers is now open.
The application period for Canada Summer Jobs 2017 has been extended until February 3, 2017.
In response to a development proposal that is out of scale with the rest of Forest Hill Village, the South Forest Hill Residents Association (SFHRA) has organised to join local city councillors, and planning staff in the rejection of the proposal.
More information and the 'Save our Village' petition can be found here.
This issue has now moved on to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and below is the recent update, and fundraising appeal, from the SFHRA.
"We now need your financial support!
We are pleased to once again welcome the McGregor Victorian Carollers to bring some holiday season cheer to the Village for a 3rd year!
Weather-permitting, you'll be able to enjoy their beautiful singing on both Saturday December 10th & 17th from 1 to 3pm throughout the village. Not only will they be singing on the four corners of Spadina & Lonsdale, they'll also be popping in to a shop or two to spread the cheer indoors.
As a member of the Forest Hill Village BIA, you are invited to attend the 2016 Annual General Meeting:
Wednesday, November 16th, 2016
Grace Church On-the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd
7:00 pm
Refreshments and light snacks will be served
** RSVP to [email protected] **
Well that was fun! Both the Launch of the North Gateway Streetscape Project at Suydam Park, and a Laneway Naming Ceremony, were held on Sunday June 12th and a wonderful time was had by all in attendance.
Speakers included Councillor Joe Mihevc, BIA board chair Peter McClelland, Plant Architect Inc's Lisa Rapoport, and local resident, and laneway naming champion, Susan Q. Wilson.
The 2015 Commercial Facade Improvement Program Application Form is now available. The submission deadline is Thursday, May 28, 2015 or the date when all of the 2015 funds for the program have been committed. Please see the link below.
For further information, please contact Michael Saunders at 416-392-1005 or [email protected].
The Forest Hill Village BIA invites you to join us and your FHV neighbours for;
The launch of the North Gateway Streetscape Project at Suydam Park
The unveiling of the recently named Village Laneways
When: Sunday June 12th from 11 to 2pm
Where: Suydam Park at Coulson Ave./Spadina Rd.
What: Live Music, Ribbon-cutting & Plaque ceremonies, light refreshments
The 2016 Commercial Façade Improvement Program is now open, and the Application Form is available online.
The submission deadline is Thursday, May 19, 2016 or when all 2016 funds have been allocated.
Further information is available at this website.
Please feel free to get in touch with the FHV BIA if you'd like to discuss this opportunity - [email protected]