As a business member of the Forest Hill Village BIA, you are invited to attend the
2021 Annual General Meeting:
Tuesday November 2nd, 2021
Online Via Zoom
** Registration required via email by October 26th, 2021 to [email protected]
Upon registration, Zoom meeting login details will be provided**
1. Call to Order and Introductions by the Chair
2. Electronic meeting, recording of the meeting and voting protocols
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
4. Welcome from Councillor Josh Matlow
5. Approval of the Agenda
6. Approval of 2020 AGM Minutes
7. Review of 2020 Auditor’s Report
8. Appointment of 2021 BIA Auditor
9. Proposed 2022 Budget
10. Other business
11. Closing Remarks and Adjournment
Due to COVID 19, BIA members will be able to attend the meeting via teleconferencing and must pre-register with proof of membership to obtain the login/call-in details. Please contact Yvonne Bambrick, Executive Director, FHV BIA at 416 826 2964, or via email [email protected] for more information and to pre-register.
Please RSVP by October 26th, 2021.
The purpose of this meeting is to decide on Forest Hill Village BIA's program and budget for 2022. This program is paid for by a special levy charged to BIA members. As a member of the BIA, the best way to participate in the decisions your BIA is making on your behalf is to get involved so we encourage you to be active and join our committees. If you wish to obtain a copy of the complete proposed budget or audited financial statement, please contact the BIA.